How To Fix ‘ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED’ in Google Chrome

The ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED means the browser currently opened cannot establish a connection with the website you are trying to reach , because of the internet connection error or slow internet connection or due to blocked website ,the ongoing website cannot be opened so the ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED dialogue box occurs on the screen.


There are Followings Ways One can Fix the ERR_CONNETION_CLOSED Problems.

Read Also:

  2. Err_Connection_Timed_Out

Solution 1: Check internet connection and restart router if necessary

One must first check their internet connection, speed of the internet, after some if still it`s not showing any response  , then restart the internet connection.

To make sure your internet connection is working , meanwhile one can go and check the other website to make sure the internet is working or not.

Solution 2: Reset network setting

This can be done when one is having problem to connect to the Wi-Fi  connection , cellular network or to Bluetooth.

While doing reset network setting one must make sure that your current apps and page won’t get delete but the Wi-Fi password you entered previously will get deleted by resetting the network .

The reset network setting in Android and IOS is slightly different . In Android it will only delete the previously entered Wi-Fi password but in IOS it will delete the previously entered Wi-Fi password, Wi-Fi network , cellular network as well the VPN and APN settings that have been used before.

Solution 3: Disable proxy server and VPN connections

If it’s showing ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED then one can try to connect those sites which are free or paid Virtual Private Network(VPN) service provider or by using the opera browser which has an VPN feature built.

While connecting the internet using VPN , It will mask the real IP address of the current device so that your main location will be hidden and by connecting internet to VPN it will show another location (country).

  • Following are the steps to enable VPN features in opera browser:
  • Firstly open opera menu and then proceed towards settings.
  • Then in settings click advanced option and then click on features
  • Then their will be VPN dialogue box occurring then on that dialogue box there will be an option of ENABLE VPN , switch on the option and further restart the opera.
  • For disable proxy server : When it shows ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED the internet can be connected through a proxy server, but some of the proxy server show some filters or security protection or security problems that can block the encrypted data transmission mainly, they can block the protection password which are used by private websites or banks. These may lead to a dialogue box showing a following message that “Remote server currently does not exits” or the server for certain time period is unavailable.
  • Following are the steps to disable a VPN server.

Firstly click on start menu and then click on control panel to proceed towards “Network Connection” and double click on the icon, after double clicking on the network connection icon a window will appear and on the half part there will be list of VPN connection , whichever VPN server you want to disable please click on that following VPN server and that following VPN server will be disabled.

  • Steps to disable a proxy server
  • Firstly click on the tools button and select the internet option.
  • After selecting internet connection click on the connection tool and then proceed by selecting a LAN setting.
  • There will be a check box appearing to use a proxy server for LAN , kindly uncheck the check box.
  • Proceed further by click OK option and wait until you return to your internet explorer connection. After you get back your internet connection your proxy server would get disable.

Solution 4: Clear DNS cache

To solve the problem of EER_CONNECTION_CLOSED one can use Google`s public DNS server.

  • Following are the steps used to clear DNS cache:
  • There are different procedure for different systems like

(Microsoft Windows , LINUX operating systems, Goggle Chrome browser, MAC OS X Operating system)


  • Firstly to open a DOS command kindly click on Start button and then click on Run button and further type cmd and click enter.
  • After that in command prompt type flush DNS command and click on enter the following DNS cache will be cleared.


  • Some Linux distributions may not use DNS caching . Instead of these they may use web browser to maintain their own internal cache
  • To clear the DNS cache one just need to restart the web browser.
  • If you Linux computer use a DNS caching service kindly consult its documentation to get information to clear a DNS cache.

GOGGLE CHROME BROWSER: It maintains its own internal DNS cache.

There are following ways to clear DNS cache

  • Firstly start the Google Chrome
  • In the search bar type chrome://netinternals/#dns. by typing the above url there will be a list of host in its internal DNS cache on the screen.
  • Then clear the clear host cache by clicking on it.

To close idle sockets type chrome://net-internals/#sockets. In the address bar and then click on flush sockets pools

MAC OS X OPERATING SYSTEM: To clear DNS cache on IOS kindly follow the below mentioned steps.

  • Firstly click on applications and click on utilities and further click on terminal to open a terminal window
  • Type the appropriate command for your IOS version in the command prompt to clear cache
  • To get more information about which appropriate should be used one should visit the following site To clear the DNS cache.

Solution 5: Obtain or change DNS servers manually

To overcome the ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED problem use Google’s Public DNS Servers in the chrome.

  • Following are the steps used to change DNS servers:
  • Firstly right click on the active network icon in the taskbar and kindly click on network and sharing center
  • Then select the active network card and then proceed towards related setting and click on change adapter options.
  • Click on the active network adapter and select the properties.
  • Then select the internet protocol version 4 to select properties
  • Type DNS server addresses and click ok and restart the computer. Your DNS server will be changed.

Solution 6: Check firewall and anti-virus software and deactivate if necessary

To check what kind of anti-virus and firewall software is running on the computer there are several steps used

  • On your computer on the left side of the screen at bottom click on start button and kindly select Control Panel from the start menu.
  • After opening the Control Panel click on the first option showing “System and Security”
  • In the System and Security select the option “Action Center”
  • After opening the Action Center click on the right side of the arrow facing downward next to the security option.
  • Your firewall software an anti-virus is checked

If still it shows same ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED one can deactivate the firewall and anti-virus software .

Following are the steps required to deactivate the firewall and anti-virus software.

To deactivate the firewall and anti-virus software kindly open control panel ,to open the control panel there are several ways the most simplest method is through the start menu in windows7.

In the control panel kindly select the system an security link ( the link you open might be only visible if you have the “view by”: option to set the category )

Kindly take a note if one is viewing the control panel applets in the icon view ,you can skip the step which will be more easier

Proceed by choosing the Windows firewall.

One must note that the windows firewall several names depending on the computer setting it may also be called as Windows Defender Firewall

4 . On the left side of the screen kindly select Turn Windows Firewall on or off, if it is not available on the screen then one can proceed via using a control firewall.cpl command which you can reveal in the Command Prompt or on the running dialogue box.

5 . Then click on the Turn off Windows Firewall bubble present at the start of the sentence ( you can also disable the Windows Firewall for only private networks or for public networks or you can select both the option , but make sure to select the Turn off Windows Firewall for both option that is public as well as private to disable the firewall software an anti-virus an further proceed by clicking ok.

Solution 7: Malware check with Chrome Cleanup Tool

If the current website opened on one’s screen shows ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED problem it might be because of some unwanted software on malware installed on the computer.

The unwanted software or malware installed can be checked by using a chrome cleanup tool

Chrome clean up tool is a tool which scan or remove the unwanted software or malware installed on the computer .

  • Following are the steps to remove malware or unwanted software installed ( one can even remove malware manually )
  • To remove malware manually flow the given points :
  • Open chrome on the screen and on the top right side of the screen there will be a setting option kindly click on setting and at the bottom of the screen click on advanced option
  • Once the advanced option is clicked there will be a reset and cleanup option under that click on the option cleanup computer
  • They might ask that whether you have to remove unwanted software or malware the kindly click on remove or sometime they may ask to restart or reboot the computer.

Solution 8: Deactivate extensions and delete them if necessary

Extensions may affect the browser connection when one is uploading , downloading or encountering the speed which may lead to ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED problem.

To avoid the following problems one can deactivate or delete the extensions .

For Google chrome to avoid the extension problem follow the steps

Click on the menu icon on the top right of the browser window and choose option More Tool and then choose Extensions to open the Extension option.

Then check whether to disable or enable the extension or if one want to delete the any extension then click on trash can icon present near the extension option

One can repeat the above steps depending on how much one need to delete the extensions

Solution 9: Update Chrome

ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED one can update chrome by opening play store app and the on the top left of the screen tap on menu for My APPS and my games option and under that find chrome and then below the chrome app logo there will be an update option then kindly click on the update option then your chrome will be updated depending on the internet speed .

Solution 10: Reinstall Chrome

To reinstall chrome kindly click on the start button on the left corner at the bottom of the screen.

Then on the search bar type “Control Panel” by keeping the start menu opened

Find the programs menu and click on the uninstall option to uninstall the chrome . by following the above steps chrome will be uninstalled

For reinstalling the chrome again, go to play store app and then by opening the play store click on the menu bar on the top of the screen then type “chrome” and wait until the chrome is available and then click on the install option and install the chrome. It may take time depending on the connection of the internet .

Read Also:

  1. WoW51900319
  2. Unexpected Store Exception


The above written article gives information about what is ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED. And how can one fix the ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED problem by using the above mentioned steps . so they can easily tackle the problems faced during the slow network connection or ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED. Concluding the article by making sure that the above given article has fulfilled ones need.